TAXONOMY CSV IMPORT/EXPORT ========================== -- REQUIREMENTS -- -------------- * Drupal default taxonomy module. -- INSTALLATION -- -------------- * Install as usual, see for further information. 1) Extract and copy the taxonomy_csv directory into the appropriate modules directory in your Drupal installation (recommended: sites/all/modules). 2) Adjust permissions of directory and files (read access). 3) Go to Administer > Site building > Modules and enable the "Taxonomy CSV import/export" module in the "Taxonomy" section. Drupal "Taxonomy" core module is automatically enabled. -- UNINSTALLATION -- ---------------- * As Taxonomy csv save user last used options, you can clean Drupal with the "uninstall" option. 1) Go to Administer > Site building > Modules > Uninstall, then check "taxonomy csv import/export" and click Uninstall button. 2) Remove the taxonomy_csv directory in the directory where you install it. -- CONFIGURATION -- --------------- * User need access rights to Drupal Taxonomy to use Taxonomy csv import/export. -- USAGE -- ------- * Follow instructions in README.txt, on the main page or in advanced help (Help > Taxonomy CSV import/export). * Main page access with Drupal 6: - Go to: Administer > Content management > Taxonomy and click on "CSV import" tab or "CSV export" tab. - Direct access to CSV import at: - Direct access to CSV export at: * Main page access With Drupal 7: - Go to: Administer > Structure > Taxonomy and click on the "CSV import" tab or on the "CSV export" tab. - Direct access to CSV import at: - Direct access to CSV export at: