TAXONOMY CSV IMPORT/EXPORT ========================== == CHANGELOG == =========== Taxonomy csv import/export 7.x-5.7, 2011-10-03 ---------------------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Added autocreation of custom fields. By Daniel Berthereau: Improved related terms import. #1027068 by Carsten Müller and Roberto Mariani: Added support custom fields. #1040894 by Carsten Müller: Added support for file extension .csv and .txt. #1179568 by TommyChris: Fixed DB double prefix error. Taxonomy csv import/export 7.x-5.7, 2011-10-03 Taxonomy csv import/export 6.x-5.7, 2011-10-03 ---------------------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Fixed some UI bugs and updated help. By Daniel Berthereau: Simplified full definition and links import. By Daniel Berthereau: Completed keep order of terms option. By Daniel Berthereau: Improved user interface. #1006466 by Daniel Berthereau: Fixed import full definitions in existing. #1208010 by Daniel Berthereau: Added hierarchical tree export format. #1237068 by Ted A Gifford: Removed a "by reference" warning in PHP strict mode. #1244498 by Brad Erickson: Added link to first term causing export failure. #1256628 by Daniel Berthereau: Fixed Microsoft DOS end line export format. #1267026 by Daniel Berthereau: Fixed non-ascii filename of exported vocabulary. #1270168 by Daniel Berthereau: Fixed Taxonomy manager export format. #1287210 by Daniel Berthereau: Added option to delete terms before import. Taxonomy csv import/export 6.x-5.7, 2011-10-03 ---------------------------------------------- #1123914 by Andrey parashutiki: Fixed use of UI with keys up and down. #1248926 by Daniel Berthereau: Added infos about weight limit of imported terms. Taxonomy csv import/export 7.x-5.6, 2011-01-07 Taxonomy csv import/export 6.x-5.6, 2011-01-07 ---------------------------------------------- #1017708 by EliteMonk: Fixed query with database prefix. Taxonomy csv import/export 7.x-5.5, 2011-01-07 Taxonomy csv import/export 6.x-5.5, 2011-01-07 ---------------------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Added soft tab (two spaces or more) delimiter. By Daniel Berthereau: Added option to keep order of terms by specifying weight. #1006436 by John Voskuilen: Fixed export with Microsoft DOS end of line. #1006466 by John Voskuilen: Harmonized import of Full term definition and links. Taxonomy csv import/export 6.x-5.4, 2010-09-14 ---------------------------------------------- #910788 by Brad Bulger: Fixed error when vocabulary isn't checked after import. Taxonomy csv import/export 7.x-5.4-dev, 2010-09-13 -------------------------------------------------- #896132 by Matthias Hutterer: Fixed parents & children names broken by D7 HEAD. Taxonomy csv import/export 6.x-5.3, 2010-09-13 ---------------------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Reimplemented utf8 conversion for obsolete Windows users. By Daniel Berthereau: Simplified format for geotaxonomy import/export. Taxonomy csv import/export 7.x-5.3, 2010-08-20 Taxonomy csv import/export 6.x-5.3-dev, 2010-08-20 -------------------------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Enabled plug-ins for specific formats. By Daniel Berthereau: Implemented geotaxonomy import/export format. By Daniel Berthereau: Simplified and standardized import process. Taxonomy csv import/export 7.x-5.1, 2010-08-16 Taxonomy csv import/export 6.x-5.2, 2010-08-16 ---------------------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Fixed error of commit to cvs and linked bugs. By Daniel Berthereau: Forget taxonomy_csv.css and taxonomy_csv.js (Drupal 6). By Daniel Berthereau: Merged all taxonomy-csv 6.x branches except 6.x-1. By Daniel Berthereau: Doxygened some help. Taxonomy csv import/export 7.x-5.0, 2010-08-13 Taxonomy csv import/export 6.x-5.0, 2010-08-13 ---------------------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Changed cvs HEAD from 6.x to 7.x release. By Daniel Berthereau: Merged all taxonomy-csv 7.x branches except 7.x-1. By Daniel Berthereau: Modularized and simplified code and reintegrated line api. By Daniel Berthereau: Use of new features of Drupal 7 (UI and Field). By Daniel Berthereau: Implemented synonyms and related terms in 7.x release. By Daniel Berthereau: Cleaned structure of user interface. By Daniel Berthereau: Improved speed of tree and polyhierarchical import. By Daniel Berthereau: Implemented quick import mode: no check of existing terms. By Daniel Berthereau: Set hierarchy check disabled by default in user interface. By Daniel Berthereau: Removed special permissions and use 'administer taxonomy'. By Daniel Berthereau: Removed internal cache and use only core taxonomy ones. By Daniel Berthereau: Removed utf8 conversion. #872366 by vipzhicheng: Better support of non-Ascii characters. #843526 by iAugur: Fixed field name prefix. #686328 by Alexander N: Fixed double display of PathAuto warning. Taxonomy csv import/export 7.x-4.11, 2010-05-29 Taxonomy csv import/export 6.x-4.11, 2010-05-29 ----------------------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Fixed and updated release to prepare Drupal 7 release. By Daniel Berthereau: Small changed 6.x release to keep it close to the 7.x one. By Daniel Berthereau: Added check of maximum length of names to 255 characters. Taxonomy csv import/export 6.x-4.10, 2010-05-10 ----------------------------------------------- #765964 by Daniel Berthereau: Fixed import duplicate terms with full term mode. Taxonomy csv import/export 6.x-4.9, 2010-01-13 ---------------------------------------------- #666820 by Jeremy Rasmussen: Fixed url of exported taxonomy file. taxonomy_csv 5.x-1.5, 2009-12-11 -------------------------------- #333159 by Katrina Messenger: Added weight import. Taxonomy csv import/export 6.x-4.8, 2009-12-10 Taxonomy csv line api 6.x-4.8, 2009-12-10 ---------------------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Cleaned code with SimpleTest/TestBed suggestions. #633348 by Jens Beltofte: Fixed field name when database uses a prefix. #495548 and #447852 by Daniel Berthereau: Warned if use of incompatible modules. Taxonomy csv import/export 7.x-4.7, 2009-10-20 Taxonomy csv import/export 6.x-4.7, 2009-10-20 ---------------------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Added export of terms and vocabularies. Taxonomy csv 7.x-4.6, 2009-10-05 Taxonomy csv 6.x-4.6, 2009-10-05 -------------------------------- #590206 by Daniel Berthereau: Added import of full term definitions and links. By Daniel Berthereau: Added import in multiple vocabularies with 'fields_links'. By Daniel Berthereau: Cleaned code with some Zend Studio suggestions. By Daniel Berthereau: Added table of content in help. #576042 by Daniel Berthereau: Fixed use of previous choices save. Taxonomy csv line api 6.x-4.5, 2009-09-23 ----------------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Released light api: in CVS HEAD. Taxonomy csv 7.x-4.5, 2009-09-22 -------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Released public version of taxonomy_csv for Drupal 7. Taxonomy csv 7.x-4.5, 2009-09-22 Taxonomy csv 6.x-4.5, 2009-09-22 -------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Added Polyhierarchical structure import. By Daniel Berthereau: Added Fields (name, weight, description, synonyms) import. By Daniel Berthereau: Added check of root level term. By Daniel Berthereau: Added check when an imported term unchanges existing ones. By Daniel Berthereau: Cleaned some UI items and help. By Daniel Berthereau: Fixed compatibility of url import with all browsers. By Daniel Berthereau: Fixed sensitive case update of a name. Taxonomy csv 7.x-4.4, 2009-09-13 Taxonomy csv 6.x-4.4, 2009-09-13 -------------------------------- #575236 by Daniel Berthereau: Added Children import. By Daniel Berthereau: Added Parents import. Taxonomy csv 7.x-4.3, 2009-09-12 Taxonomy csv 6.x-4.3, 2009-09-12 -------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Created API to import csv line or batch from any module. By Daniel Berthereau: Added any size file import (full line by line approach). By Daniel Berthereau: Added tweaks to allow import even with low memory. By Daniel Berthereau: Removed multistep autodivide import. By Daniel Berthereau: Added Taxonomy manager export format. By Daniel Berthereau: Cleaned comments and help. By Daniel Berthereau: Fixed form display bugs. Taxonomy csv 7.x-4.2, 2009-08-18 Taxonomy csv 6.x-4.2, 2009-08-18 -------------------------------- #450900 by Daniel Berthereau: Fixed duplicate parent term query. By Daniel Berthereau: Fixed batch cache and statistics. By Daniel Berthereau: Fixed error display when batch error (only useful infos). By Daniel Berthereau: Added option to reduce log level and memory usage. By Daniel Berthereau: Cleaned release. Taxonomy csv 7.x-4.1, 2009-08-11 Taxonomy csv 6.x-4.1, 2009-08-11 -------------------------------- #540916 by Daniel Berthereau: Added warning to disable Pathauto before import. Taxonomy csv 7.x-4.0, 2009-08-10 -------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Converted Taxonomy csv module from Drupal 6.x to Drupal 7. Taxonomy csv 6.x-4.0, 2009-08-09 -------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Added multistep import for big files (avoid memory error). By Daniel Berthereau: Added term enclosure option. By Daniel Berthereau: Reviewed user interface code for lisibility (js & css). By Daniel Berthereau: Reviewed batch code in order to decrease memory usage. Taxonomy csv 6.x-3.1, 2009-04-08 -------------------------------- #427076 by Daniel Berthereau: Fixed Microsoft Windows pass-by-reference error. Taxonomy csv 6.x-3.0, 2009-04-03 -------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Redesigned UI with dynamic options and examples (AHAH). By Daniel Berthereau: Added import by a text area. By Daniel Berthereau: Added hook_perm "administer taxonomy by csv". By Daniel Berthereau: Added memorize user settings. By Daniel Berthereau: Added test on a duplicate of an existing vocabulary. By Daniel Berthereau: Added tabulation delimiter option. By Daniel Berthereau: Added import terms as flat vocabulary. By Daniel Berthereau: Renamed "children import" to "structure import". By Daniel Berthereau: Disabled option relations to all vocabularies (not in D6). By Daniel Berthereau: Extracted advanced help to alone file. By Daniel Berthereau: Simplified stats import code. Taxonomy csv 6.x-2.4, 2009-03-10 -------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Released 6.x.2.4. Taxonomy csv 6.x-2.3, 2009-03-09 -------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Added subrelations import. By Daniel Berthereau: Added option to make relations into all vocabularies. By Daniel Berthereau: Fixed related terms import: remove related when replace. By Daniel Berthereau: Fixed vocabulary level check for flat vocabulary. Taxonomy csv 6.x-2.2, 2009-03-06 -------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Restructured module to display warning informations. By Daniel Berthereau: Added options to display import result. By Daniel Berthereau: Added options to choose log level. By Daniel Berthereau: Added one term by line structure import. By Daniel Berthereau: Added auto create vocabulary. By Daniel Berthereau: Added vocabulary level check. By Daniel Berthereau: Extended help about one term structure array import. By Daniel Berthereau: Fixed translate in install hook. By Daniel Berthereau: Fixed related terms import: keep old even if Ignore. Taxonomy csv 6.x-2.1, 2009-02-28 -------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Fixed package release. By Daniel Berthereau: Fixed define. Taxonomy csv 6.x-2.0, 2009-02-27 -------------------------------- By Daniel Berthereau: Rewrited module. Cleaned release. taxonomy_csv 6.x-1.5, 2008-04-19 taxonomy_csv 5.x-1.4, 2008-04-19 taxonomy_csv 4.7.x-1.4, 2008-04-19 ---------------------------------- By naquah: Various bug fixes regarding file encoding, line endings, and delimiters. taxonomy_csv 6.x-1.4, 2008-04-10 -------------------------------- By naquah: Update for Drupal 6.2 compatibility. taxonomy_csv 6.x-1.3, 2008-02-23 taxonomy_csv 5.x-1.3, 2008-02-23 taxonomy_csv 4.7.x-1.3, 2008-02-23 ---------------------------------- By naquah: Improved documentation. By naquah: Allow import of term description and term synonyms. By naquah: Various bug fixes. taxonomy_csv 6.x-1.x-dev, 2008-01-27 ------------------------------------ Fully compatible with Drupal 6 and utilizing the new Batch API that will accomodate in importing larger files. taxonomy_csv 5.x-1.2, 2008-01-27 taxonomy_csv 4.7.x-1.2, 2008-01-27 ---------------------------------- By naquah: Added a README.txt file. No new features, no bug fixes and no known bugs. taxonomy_csv 5.x-1.1, 2007-11-16 taxonomy_csv 4.7.x-1.1, 2007-11-16 ---------------------------------- By naquah: Fixed a bug where items with the same name though different parents are not imported. taxonomy_csv 5.x-1.0, 2007-10-26 taxonomy_csv 4.7.x-1.0, 2007-10-26 ---------------------------------- By naquah: Make sure to read the disclaimer on the project page! taxonomy_csv 5.x-1.x-dev, 2007-10-21 taxonomy_csv 4.7.x-1.x-dev, 2007-10-21 -------------------------------------- By naquah: Use at your own risk!